Saturday, December 22, 2007

In this session I heard the following:
"Scribe write this down:
What you have set out to do is accomplished. The door to wonder has been opened. Now summon a force to work with."


I feel a rushing wind in the spirit.

A winged beast with a black hook bill upon his head appears.

"My name is VZAP," he says, "and I have come to explain the second of the first. Look not to the left or right but seek the inner. A world within a world is created and upon the breath of man rides the Eagle..."

Symbols (Enochian letters) are given to me.

"...And now you know where I reside."

I enter Med, the pyramid, and ascend the stairs.

The Bonorum says, "We, the spirits of the Bonorum will work with you."

I ask them what they have power over...


I feel as though they conceal secrets (in shadow, so to speak)

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