Saturday, December 8, 2007

Second scrying attempt

I try again with Med.

A "guide" who goes by a name I shall not write here, says: "The one [tablet] in your left hand [The Original Great Table] is fashioned out of a [can't read my writting here... looks like god or goal] of revealing EArth without names and imates of the Great Golden Dawn. You have an affinity with the Golden Dawn Tablet [Reformed Tablet with GD changes]."

I briefly scry the main line in the Original TAblet - I saw lava and fire. More movement. In the Golden Dawn tablet I saw a cold dry Mountain.

I should try the Original tablet with the Divine Names thereof.

Scrying again Med - off the Original Great Table (earth portion)

I'm back in this place. The dark obsydian pyramid stands before me. There is a door at the base of the pyramid. Beside it, are two beings, one on each side. Like wardens. Each stands guard.

My guide gives me the secret for me to enter this place.

I approach the guardians and give the secret that my guide revealed. I'm allowed to pass.

As I pass the entrance I feel I'm passing a barrier. I'm inside a golden hallway. "The Hallway of the gods" it's called. it goes into the Pyramid about five feet, and turns to the right. There is a golden light coloring the hallway... like candle light. Upon the walls are herioglyphic symbols. I am guided down to the end of the hallway. It turns once more, but to the left, to a set of steps that rise upwards. At the top of the steps is a Lavender or Indigo Curtain that covers the opening at the top of the stairs.

The guide now tells me, "where you pass it is forbidden to take others. Hold out your hand and tell me your wish.... I can see the living symbol of [can't read my writing, looks like "earth"] at work within you."

I ask a question.

"Your Ill temper is due to your stress. Get a handle on that."

"You may only pass beyond the curtain if given the key, which I now bestow to you."

The key is called "B O R N U M" [At this time I didn't know about the Bornorum]

On passing the curtain, there is darkness. A loud hum or vibration is felt. Yet the air feels still.

I begin to wonder if this is real. I feel nervous in this dark room within my mind.

"You wonder," says a voice, "if this is real. Give a task to be completed within two weeks."

I request to see visual form of the Enochian angels I call into the physical temple I've built in my house.

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